Thursday, February 23, 2012

Your shoes

I actually got these yesterday. It's hard to tell in the picture, but they are sort of knit with a flowery design. They're very comfortable too. I love them so far.

Where you work

One of the reasons I came to Texas right now is to do some training to work for my dad. He has his own business and isn't very good with the paperwork aspect of it (or the organizational part, as you can see.)

So this is my current workspace, and when I get home, I'll be using my computer for it.

A fave photo of you

This was taken on Christmas day last year. We went for a walk and played in the snow. It was a great day.

(sorry for the bad quality. The picture was stored on my computer and I can't seem to transfer it to my phone without using the Internet. So I just took a picture of it.)


I've gotten behind a few days, so I wrote down the things I need to catch up on. Then I figured it was a good enough example of handwriting. My handwriting isn't very consistent, even from line to line, as you can tell below. But I kinda like it anyway.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Something you hate to do

Dishes. I don't really strongly hate them, but I'm definitely not a fan.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012


This is a time I wish I saw less often. Maybe even never. Yea, I'd be okay with never.

Something New

Amy loves her toy stroller at home, so I had to get one here too.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Because I am posting all of these from my phone (no wifi at my dad's), I can't take a picture of it, but here is a screenshot of my home screen.


My heart, or at least half of it. Doing what she does best, something she is not supposed to do.
Being 1,000 miles away from Brandon wasn't the ideal way I would have liked to spend my Valentine's Day, but at least I wasn't totally alone.


My bed for the next few weeks.

Inside your closet

My makeshift closet. I mean, it is a closet, but I am only occupying about 10% of it. The rest belongs to my brothers or anyone else who has stayed in my dad's guest room and left things here.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Makes You Happy

Lots of things make me happy, so here is a picture that combines some of them. Family, friends and fun. And of course silliness. Silliness always make me happy :)

Self portrait

Because I'm not good at taking pictures of myself, here is me making a funny face.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Front door

It's funny that today's picture is 'front door' because today just happens to be the last day I will see this front door. Goodbye apartment 173. You were fun while it lasted.


It's a cloudy day, but the sun still peaks through every now and then.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Adventures in baking tonight! We're having a few people over for a sort of dinner party, and it's breakfast themed! So I am attempting to make a few things that I've never made before. To represent, here is the button on my hand mixer. Wish me luck!


I forgot to take a picture of dinner last night, so here is a picture of the box!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


This is a good representation of our morning. Amy hasn't been feeling well, so she's watching Toy Story. And see all of those boxes in the background? I'm packing up our stuff to get ready to move. What a Sunday morning.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


It turns out, I did a couple of these out of order. Guess I forgot this one. So to make up for a day I missed a few days ago, here are some words that sum up our life lately.

Friday, February 3, 2012

A stranger

Since we are hanging out and relaxing at Amanda's house during the snow storm, these are the only strangers I am seeing today.

Watching Ellen.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012