Thursday, July 11, 2013

Quick Update

If you are wondering why there haven't been any posts lately, it's because I can barely find the time to pee or eat, so thinking of and typing out a blog update has been difficult. And in those rare night time moments where both kids are asleep, I'm doing my best to sleep as well. A tired Mommy is not a happy Mommy.

These kids definitely keep me busy. If one doesn't need something the other does. And Amy is learning a new kind of independence. One I'm not sure if I like yet. For example, she asked for her second yogurt of the day. We try and limit it to one a day, so I told her no. Instead she took it into her room with a straw. I was tied down at the moment, so I didn't go after her, thinking she wouldn't be able to open it. A few minutes later, she comes out of her room, with said straw inserted into an empty yogurt container.

Her interactions with Cole are growing. Yesterday, he was crying, so she asked me for a bottle and then gave it to him. It was super cute and sweet for about 10 seconds. That's when she grabbed my hand, pulled it over to him and made me hold it. What I thought was her being nice was actually her trying to get him to be quiet.
And today, I laid him on her bed and he fell asleep. She came in the room, and laid right next to him. She looked at him for a few seconds, poked his head with her finger, then tried to pick him up saying "Here you go" to me.
So while these may not be the most loving sibling moments, they are definitely progressing from 3 weeks ago when she first met him.

As for Cole, he is growing quickly. And eating a ton. This boy can take down some milk. More than it seems his little body should be able to hold. But other than the occasional gas, he is a happy baby. He loves tummy time and already seems to be developing pretty good neck muscles.

And now Amy is pulling me away for the third time, so I better actually go tend to her needs. I'll see if I can get another update again in the next few weeks.