Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Sunny with a high of 75

We've had such beautiful weather lately and we're trying to take advantage. Grilling hot dogs and riding scooters and bikes, who would guess it's January in Colorado?

Also, Grandma came over and we had lots of fun. We went out to lunch on Friday.

Then Amy and Cole hung out with Grandma while Brandon and I had not one, but two nights out in a row! Including breakfast on one of those mornings with Aunt Melissa and Uncle Joseph. We didn't get a picture with them, but I'll try to remember next time. It was a great weekend and is on track to be a great week as well! We're so thankful to have such wonderful people in our lives!!

Cole's new hairstyle

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Yesterday was the perfect day to play in the snow. It was 55 degrees out, so not too cold, but there was still a lot of snow on the ground from recent weeks. The warm weather also made the snow great for packing. So of course, Amy and I made a snowman! Meet Blankets. 

Cole also tried to play outside a bit, but he couldn't quite get his bearings.

He enjoyed it for a few minutes though. One day he'll love playing in the snow as much as his sister. Until then, he'll just practice walking in it.