Monday, November 9, 2015

6 weeks, time to get moving!

Today marks 6 weeks since I had the twins. They are doing great and the family went back home this weekend. I will miss them, but I know I'll see them again one day. This whole thing has been such a great experience. I loved what I was able to do and I loved being a part of their lives. I look forward to seeing those babies grow into the wonderful people I know their parents will raise them to be.

As for me, I've been recovering pretty well. Emotionally, I feel great. So many people have asked me if I'm sad  or if I'm having a hard time with everything, and I really haven't been at all. I'm not at all sad to not have brought the babies home with me. I knew all along that I was doing this for someone else, and even when the hormones kicked in, all of the emotion was for them. I never got attached to the babies in the same way a woman does in a typical pregnancy because it wasn't a typical pregnancy. None of the feelings are the same. Every doctors appointment, every kick, every contraction, you think of the other family. You know it's for them and that's where the happiness goes. It was a great experience that I know I'll always cherish and be proud of.

Physically, my body is taking a bit longer. I know there were two babies in there and I need to be patient, but it's difficult. I can't quite fit into my old clothes yet, so that's my first goal. I joined a gym today, so that I can start working toward that goal. Little by little, I think I can get there!

Amy's first concert!

Last week, we took Amy to a concert. It was MC Lars, who I am a big fan of, and Koo Koo Kanga Roo, who Amy is a big fan of. We just got lucky that they happened to be touring together. She had a great time dancing and singing along, but was completely exhausted by the end of the night.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Drawing class

Amy started a drawing class this week and they are focusing on how to draw minions. This is from her first day.


Here are he kids before we went trick or treating. They were too excited to leave, so this was the best picture I could get.

They had a lot of fun though. Cole tired out quickly, but still really enjoyed the time he was out. Amy kept going for a while. Gotta get that candy! ;)