Sunday, April 17, 2016

Bunny rescuer

A few days ago Cole was playing downstairs and he came and got me telling me he needed to show me something downstairs. I went with him to a window, and there was a baby bunny that had falling through the grate and was stuck in the bottom of our window well. We took off the screen, got the bunny out and let him loose in the back yard. I don't go downstairs much, and probably never would have found him myself. So thanks to Cole, we were able to save a little bunny's life. Way to go kid!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Amy has a Girl Scout meeting at the park today, so we decided to arrive early and play for a while.

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Amy's been asking for pets for a while, specifically pet rats.
So meet our new rats.

This is Oswin

And this is Captain Jack Merlyn, who we usually just called Captain Jack.

The kids love them. They are still young and a little timid, so they don't really play much yet, but they'll come around.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Cole loves exploring in the backyard

After a bath, I put his pull-up on him and then went to change my own clothes. Came back to him playing outside almost naked.

Amy loves swimming at the rec center. She takes swim lessons there and also just loves to go play.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Art work

I found this is Amy's school folder this morning. So sweet. I think this one needs to go on the art wall.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

This kid is bananas

I bought some bananas at the store today. Then I left Cole on his own to play for a bit. Found this


Last week we had a pretty big snow storm

So this weekend we took advantage of it

Monday, February 1, 2016

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


As goes with the title of the blog, I generally try to write about our life and how things are going. Sometimes that life happens in such a way that make it difficult to write about. This has been the case recently.

The last time I wrote was 6 weeks after the twins were born. For most of last year, a lot of my time and focus was on them and that situation. And now things are back to focusing on my family and me. I have talked to the babies' mom a little bit and they seem to be doing well, which is good to hear.

Since then, we had Christmas which went really well. All of our close family came to our house and we celebrated together. Amy and Cole had a great time and loved all of their gifts.

Amy and I have also started Girl Scouts. She is a daisy and I am one of her troop leaders. When I initially signed up, I didn't think it was a huge commitment. I was wrong. It has taken up quite a bit more time and effort than I imagined, mostly to get everything started and set up. Now that we have most of that done, it's cookie selling season, so here comes the crazy again. I do believe all of the effort will pay off though. Amy is enjoying it so far, and I believe Girl Scouts teaches a lot of great things. So I do hope that it's something she'll want to continue, at least for a few years.

I recently put in an application for Cole to start preschool next year. I think he will love it! He really enjoyed the time he was in day care last year, so I look forward to him being in school.

Amy is still loving Kindergarten. She's doing very well in math and reading. She can't fully read yet, but she learns her sight words well and is definitely on track to be reading soon!

So everything is moving along, just at a very quick pace and some days it feels hard to keep up. We manage though and every day leads to the next.