Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Whirlwind week

As I previously posted, last week we came down to Texas to see Melissa and Joseph get married. Well, that all went by so fast that I never got a chance to write about anything. So here it all is (as much as I can remember) in my jumbled thoughts.

We got here Wednesday afternoon, I don't remember if we did anything that day.
Thursday was running errands and then Melissa's bachelorette party! We had a good time there. A few of us went and hung out at Allison's for a while, and then we met up with more people in downtown Austin and went to a few bars. Met some really nice people (the gays love a bride to be!) who were willing to go the extra mile to help with out 'bar crawl bingo'. So then we danced and talked the night away, went and had pancakes and ended up back at Allison's for the night. It was exhausting, but totally worth it.

Friday was more errands, napping (definitely needed), and then the rehearsal dinner. I ended up getting there half an hour late, like the good bridesmaid I was, so I was seated at a table with a few people I didn't know super well. It ended up being a lot of fun and I really enjoyed talking to the people who I knew a little and meeting the ones I hadn't.

Then Saturday was the wedding. It all went by so fast and I didn't sit down much that day. The place was beautiful, it was held at an old Victorian style mansion. The place was supposed to be haunted, but we never got to see anything strange happen. Unless you count Amy's unusually bad mood. Maybe she was possessed! She was super grumpy and not long before the ceremony, started throwing fit after fit. The wedding ended up proceeding without a flower girl because this kid could not be trusted to walk down an aisle in silence. Much less, spend the rest of the ceremony sitting in a chair. Despite this though, the ceremony was beautiful, followed by a wonderful reception.

By now, you may have noticed that I haven't mentioned Brandon in any of this. That is because he was commissioned the make the cake toppers for the wedding cake and decided to wait until the last couple of weeks to start them. That wasn't enough time, so he was working on them up until a few hours before the wedding. He missed several events and even stayed up all night on Friday to finish them. They turned out wonderful and everyone loved them. I have one picture of them that I stole from someone else. Meet lego Joseph and Melissa.

Sunday was breakfast with the Siron family, which was a lot of fun. I enjoyed seeing everyone that I had not seen in years. Brandon was able to make it to that (thanks to the time change), which was nice.

So now I am just recovering from the crazy past week. Hopefully I can get some relaxing and some laundry in here somewhere. But for now, I think I want some breakfast tacos. Adios!

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