Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Where to begin

So much has happened since my last post. So here will be a brief explanation.
We bought a house and moved in at the beginning of May. We've been working on fixing it up, including putting up a fence, landscaping, furniture, etc. All that's still not done, but hopefully it will be soon.
Then a few weeks into June, I got a message saying that my aunt, who has been fighting stage 4 cancer for 3 years wasn't doing well and probably wouldn't make it through the day. So Amy and I hopped on a plane to Texas and made it to the hospital just in time to say goodbye. It was a very sad occasion because she was a great woman and will be missed dearly. But she was ready to go and she's no longer in pain. Even though it wasn't under good circumstances, it was nice to see my family again and everyone down in Texas. I'll be there again next month for my cousin Lacey's wedding. That will be a much happier occasion. I'm really excited for that one!
Brandon and I have been thinking about buying a second car for a while now. We live farther from his work than we used to, so me taking him to work if I need to do things is no longer an option. Brandon found a 2002 Prius online yesterday for a good price, so we went to test drive it today and ended up getting it! It's a nice car and will save a lot on gas with how much Brandon drives now. Also, I now have a vehicle to do what I need to do during the week! I think it was a good thing for us.
And last but not least, Brandon got a promotion last week! He is now a lead artist at Backflip studios. Which means he is in charge of the project he is put on. The game he's has been working so hard on lately is nearing completion and will be out soon, so if that does well, he will stay on that project to keep making updates and new content. We're really excited about this new opportunity for him.

Amy is doing well. Talking a little bit more than before, but not as much as she should be, so she has started seeing a speech therapist again. Hopefully the desire to talk more will come to her. Also, the company that she is working with only treats children up to 3 years old. So she will be evaluated soon for preschool in the school district and may start that in a few months, which I think would be really great for her! Is it wrong to hope that she is behind enough to qualify? ;)
As of yesterday, we switched her to a toddler bed. We started with nap time, which she fought me on for about 45 minutes before falling asleep, and then took her normal 3 hour nap. Then last night, she got into bed right away with no fussing and stayed there until she fell asleep and slept all night! When I put her down for her nap today, she didn't fuss at all. I am really hoping it continues this way! I could definitely go for an easy transition :)

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