Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Almost 3 years

Amy went to the doctor today for her 3 year old checkup. She is now only in the 80th percentile for her height and weight. Guess she's decided to slow down a bit. Or other toddlers are starting to catch up. Doctor said she is healthy otherwise though. And since she is making progress in her talking, he's not concerned about her having any disabilities or anything.

We finished registering her for school today. She'll be starting at Alpine Elementary on Monday. I get to meet her teacher on Friday.
As for her birthday, we're not really doing anything. I figure this will be the last year we can get away with that. We'll probably take her somewhere she enjoys, like the rec center to go swimming or to Monkey Bizness to play, and then give her a cupcake with a few candles that night. We're not having a big celebration though. We don't know many kids who could make it to a kid themed party, and she wouldn't care to have a bunch of adults around talking. So there doesn't seem like much of a point this year. Next year maybe we'll do something big. She will be getting some fun new toys though!

Bowling for solo cups

Amy has a new favorite game. Bowling for solo cups. I set 'em up, she knocks 'em down. Everyone's a winner!

By the way, I am trying to think of fun new activities or game ideas that we can do at home. Playing with her toys is no longer as interesting as it was before. So if you have any ideas you want to throw my way, I would greatly appreciate it!

Thursday, September 20, 2012


I registered Amy for preschool today! She starts October 1st and will be going 3 days a week for a few hours a day. I am really excited for her because I think she will love it. She'll get to be around kids her age a lot more, and learn and play with all kinds of new stuff.

Now I get to go buy her school supplies and maybe even a little backpack.

Also, I can't believe Amy is gonna be 3 next weekend. She is turning into a real person, and not just a baby anymore. I love watching her learn and grow. The things she does make me laugh so much, even if she did try to assassinate me. I can't wait to see what else the future holds for us!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What have I done

We went to breakfast and for some reason, Amy really wanted my coffee. I gave her a spoonful and she just about went crazy for it. So we got her a tiny cup of decaf. And then when the spoon wasn't giving it to her fast enough, she needed a straw.

This can't be good

Monday, September 17, 2012

Bad blogger

And I know it. I have the best intentions though.

My trip to Texas was busy, crazy and fun all at the same time. But I didn't have a spare moment to type out a blog. I was helping with wedding stuff from the moment I got to Pleasanton. It was a lot of fun though and I am really glad I got to be a part of the experience. Lacey and Bryan's wedding was beautiful and everyone seemed to enjoy it. I've never seen the two of them happier.

Coming back from Texas was also a small adventure. Melissa, Amy and I drove a Budget truck full of Brandon's and Melissa's old stuff back to Colorado. And this is Brandon's mom Amy, not little Amy. I really need to find a better way to distinguish them.
The trip took us two days and was pretty fun. We stayed at a nice hotel in Amarillo, had some pretty good local fare in different places and just enjoyed each other's company.

When we got back, Grandma Amy (is that a good way?), stayed for a few days. We did a lot of fun things around Denver during her stay as well as saw Melissa and Joseph more than we normally would in a week, which was nice.

This past weekend was Brant's birthday, so we went to Dave and Busters where little Amy proceeded to press a button and win 200 tickets. Way to go kid! It was a fun night and we left the place with a giant dodgeball and some other fun, small goodies.

Now I am trying to catch up on rest and sanity from the busy weeks I had, and sadly, my house shows it. Cleaning day!