Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Just some pictures

Amy and Oliver at Amy's hospital room birthday party.

Pumpkin patch

Amy's first school field trip. Walking to the grocery store.

She said this was her face. The usual two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. And what's that up top? Oh, that's her brain. 

Trip to the park. Amy ran ahead and Cole ran behind her yelling for her.

More fun at the park. Anyone else think Cole's new haircut makes him look like Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber? ;)

Me and the surro-twins!

Monday, October 26, 2015

It's been too long

So I know it's been a while. I posted about how things were about to happen, and then nothing. Well, it's because everything happened and life has been a bit overwhelming trying to get things back to normal.

First of all, the babies are here! Haha. It's now been 4 weeks, so I'd hope they made it by now ;)
Everything went incredibly well during delivery. Labor was 3 hours, and delivery was very quick. Both babies were out within 10 minutes of getting into the room. They are doing very well and I believe have been discharged and are "home" with Mom and Dad. They will be in town for a couple more weeks to finish paperwork, and then they all head back to their real home. I've been able to visit them a few times, and it's been great. I'm definitely going to miss the family when they travel back home, but I hope to go visit them some day :)

I left the hospital the following day and was able to spend Amy's birthday with her. Brandon and I took her to all of the places she wanted to go. After school, we got ice cream, then went to a place called JumpCity, which is basically a room full of trampolines, and then McDonald's for dinner. She had a lot of fun and was happy I was back home.

Cole stayed in daycare a few more weeks and is now back home with me full time. He doesn't seem to be missing daycare too much. I plan on trying to keep us busy, so hopefully that will help.

October in general has been quite the busy month for us. I did finish Amy's Halloween costume. She will be the cutest waffle in town, and she can't wait to wear it. Cole seemed to have a fear of putting on costumes. When we attempted to try any of them on him, he cried and refused. So we ended up getting him a Yoda costume, because it's basically just a robe and a headpiece. So we told him to put on his jacket and hat, and he was okay with those things. So we'll see how Halloween goes!