Saturday, June 23, 2018


Minä olen nyt junalla Helsinkiin. Sitten matkusta lentokoneella Lontoon iltapäivällä. Minulla on minun läppäri ja netti, siksi minä kirjoitan blogiin.

This is me practicing my Finnish. What I said above is "I am now on a train to Helsinki. Then I travel by plane to London. I have my laptop and internet, so I write to the blog."

Sounds a bit odd in direct translation, but you get the idea ;)

With the free two hours I have on this train, I thought it was a good time to make a post here.
This past weekend was Juhannus, or midsummer. It's a big holiday here in Finland, so most people went out to their summer cottages to celebrate the 'yöton yö', or nightless night. We stayed home for the weekend, so on Friday night, I had lots of coffee and stayed up late to watch the sun. It was quite a cloudy night, so most of the sky was obscured, but it was still quite bright. I know in Northern Finland, the sun doesn't set at all, but since we are in the southern part, I thought it would get dark for a little while. Turns out it just looks like dusk for a few hours, which was amazing to see.

This picture was taking at midnight, 12:00, from the roof of my building.

This one was at 2:00am

And this one at 3am, when the sun was rising again.

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