Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Fitness and other happenings in life

So I have made several attempts at getting in shape, but they've all slowly stopped for one reason or another. Hopefully this time is different. I decided to post it on here in hopes that I can feel more accountable. (Does that actually work?)
I've been trying to eat heathier foods for a couple weeks now and joined a gym just over a week ago. It has childcare, so I don't have to worry about waking up to go super early before Brandon has to leave for work or anything, which helps a lot. Several of my past attempts at getting in shape meant I had to wake up really early and either go running or go to the 'gym' at our old apartment. Those failed because for one reason or another, I didn't want to wake up that early. Now, I can start our day out normally and go when I want to. Amy gets to play in a room with a bunch of toys and other kids, so she enjoys it a lot. It's an all around win!
So I've gone almost every day so far and I'm actually starting to feel the effects of it. Not the soreness, that came pretty quickly, though not near as bad as I thought it would be. I feel better about myself. I know I don't look any different, but the number on the scale went down a little bit and I just feel good. The first couple of days were really difficult, but it's already getting easier and I can actually push myself to do more challenging workouts. I also feel like I am bursting with energy today. I always thought that was a myth before because my 3x a week workouts for 3 weeks never changed the way I felt, but it has now, even in a shorter period of time. I think the fact that I have been going more and pushing myself more have helped.
I just hope I can keep this up. I don't know if I will continue to go everyday in the future, but I like doing so now, so we will see. I also hope to get Brandon to go with me sometimes!
Oh, and another cool thing is that this gym has two locations in San Antonio that I can also use, so it will be nice to continue to exercise when I go down there in a few weeks!

Speaking of Texas, I am so excited for that trip. It's for my cousin Lacey's wedding. I am her matron of honor and couldn't be more thrilled to stand up there with her. Seeing all of my family for a happier occasion than the last one will be really nice too. And, this trip, I am going all alone. Amy and Brandon are staying home, so its like a vacation :)  I will miss them a lot of course and would love if they could both come with me, but they can't. So Brandon is staying home with Amy all week, which I think both of them will really enjoy. And I get a childfree week. I am really looking forward to a plane ride without a 2 year old next to me. It's gonna be so relaxing :)

And at the end of this trip, Brandon's mom Amy is gonna come visit us! We're really happy about that too. There has been so much going on with her, she needs a vacation, so hopefully we can make this one good! And now that we have a second car, we can go do fun things during the day.

So the next month has a lot in store for us, and I think it will be great!

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