Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tomorrow is the big day

Amy has her evaluation for preschool tomorrow, and I really hope it goes well. If she qualifies, she probably start in October, right after she turns three. She is currently in speech therapy, which has been great, she's made a lot of progress, but I think it will be even better if she can go to preschool. I won't find out if she does qualify until late September though. Our next appointment is a month after this one. So it's going to be tough waiting that long.

On Saturday, I will be flying to Texas to go to my cousin, Lacey's, wedding. I'm super excited for it! Her fiance, Bryan, is a really great guy and they are perfect for each other. And next Wednesday is her bachelorette party. I decided that I didn't want to do the typical kind, so I made a whole day and night out of it and we are gonna do several different fun things. I can't mention them here in case by chance she reads this, because its all gonna be a surprise to her. But I will do my best to post pictures afterward  :)

This trip, I will be travelling alone. Amy is staying home with Brandon. I almost don't remember what it's like to fly without a young child. I'm looking forward to it :)
As much as I will miss Brandon and Amy, a vacation will be nice

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