Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sick Day

One thing that comes from Amy being around 15 other kids 3 times a week is germs. Monday, she brought home some fun ones. She got a little sick. Nothing too bad, she didn't act any different, just wasn't sleeping as well and had a runny nose. Well, it only lasted about about a day and a half, so it was nothing. But then later that day, those germs paid me a visit. I started getting the runny nose, along with a few other symptoms.

We're supposed to have friends over for dinner tonight, so rather than cleaning (which is what I should be doing), I've decided to take a sick day and try to get as well as I can by tonight. I hate cancelling plans and would like to avoid that at all costs. So we're watching The Lion King while I drink some hot tea and browse Pinterest. Wish me luck!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Line up!

Now that Amy started preschool and has to learn how to line up, she even makes her animals at home line up.

Baking cookies

Edit: I tried posting this about a week and a half ago, and just now saw that it didn't post. So here it is, rather late, but since I took the time to type it, might as well post it late, rather than never.

Since Amy turns 3 on Saturday, today was her last day of speech therapy. She's been doing so well with Lori (her therapist), so I am sad to see her go. But at the same time, I am happy for her to start preschool. I think she will do really well in it.

Because it was the last day, Lori brought over some cookie dough, frosting and sprinkles so we could make cookies. Amy really enjoyed the frosting the cookies and putting sprinkles, but she won't eat the frosted ones. Crazy kid, they're delicious :)

First snow of the season

It's still early October, but snow has already fallen here in Colorado. It was only a small amount, but it was snow nonetheless. I expect much more over the next several months, so here's to the new season!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Amy's first day was yesterday. I guess it went well because the teacher didn't say anything to me. So I'm going with the 'no report is a good report' thought.
I tried taking pictures in the morning before we left, but she wasn't having it. She doesn't really do pictures anymore. So this is the best one I could get.