Saturday, October 6, 2012

Baking cookies

Edit: I tried posting this about a week and a half ago, and just now saw that it didn't post. So here it is, rather late, but since I took the time to type it, might as well post it late, rather than never.

Since Amy turns 3 on Saturday, today was her last day of speech therapy. She's been doing so well with Lori (her therapist), so I am sad to see her go. But at the same time, I am happy for her to start preschool. I think she will do really well in it.

Because it was the last day, Lori brought over some cookie dough, frosting and sprinkles so we could make cookies. Amy really enjoyed the frosting the cookies and putting sprinkles, but she won't eat the frosted ones. Crazy kid, they're delicious :)

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