Tuesday, April 23, 2013


So it would appear than I haven't actually posted all of the things I meant to post in here. Just so everyone knows, I update this thing in my head all the time. Now for a real update.

In case anyone missed it, Brandon and I decided to have another baby. It's a boy and I am due June 26th. We haven't decided on a name yet, but I have come to terms with the fact that he may not be named until he is born. Brandon and I aren't good at picking out boy names.
Everything with the pregnancy has been very normal and on-track so far, other than him measuring larger than average, but I think that was to be expected. 

Amy is doing well. Still loving preschool. It's amazing the transformation we have seen in her since she started there. Her speech has improved tremendously as well as her social skills. She loves to play with other kids and has lost all shyness she once had.
She doesn't quite understand that there will be a new baby here soon and that she will have a little brother. We got her a big sister book and have talked about it a lot, but it still seems like more of an abstract concept to her.

Brandon and I celebrated our 5th anniversary this month. Part of me feels like the past 5 years have flown by and the other part of me can barely remember life without him. It's been fun so far. In 5 years, we've had two across-the-border moves, one baby (and preparing for another), two new jobs and a house purchase. Like everyone, life has thrown some ups and downs at us, but we've come through it all and there's no one I'd rather have with me to experience everything.

I think that's all the big stuff for now. I'll try to get the little stuff up as well soon, but we'll see. If nothing else, you'll hear from me again when baby is born! :)

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