Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Chutes and Ladders aka the game that never ends

Amy learned how to play Chutes and Ladders last night. She was actually a really good sport about having to go down the ladders, and had a lot of fun. Brandon got first place and Amy got second. Since I was the last player, I assumed the game was just over then. Silly me. Amy said I had to finish the game. So I spun the spinner and moved my measly few spaces each time. Oh no, slide. Back to the bottom. Spin the spinner and move more spaces several times. Slide. This happened again and again and again, more than it ever should. I think I played the game by myself for about 15 minutes before I finally made it to the top. I don't think I've ever been so thankful to finish in last place, because at least I conquered those evil slides. 

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