Sunday, November 30, 2014

I was doing so good

And then holiday time happened.

I'm trying to get into the habit of posting more often, even if they are just short simple ones. I just need to not forget this is here. But with great holidays, comes great responsibility. Or at least an overwhelming amount of things to do.

First my mom came to visit, which was fun and the kids really enjoyed it. Brandon and I also got a date night, and those don't happen often, so it was nice. 

Then my other family came up to visit for a few days, which is a big deal because my dad has a hard time taking off work. Things tend to fall apart when he is not around. So I was really happy to have them here, and so were the kids. 

Thanksgiving was a little crazy. We had 12 people here, not counting the kids. I've never cooked for that many people before, so it was a new adventure. Thankfully, I have several members of my family who help in the kitchen, so it was less stressful than I feared. Overall it went really well and I think everyone had a good time. 
I didn't really get any pictures myself, so this post will be pretty void of them. 

Now it's time to start planning for Christmas. I won't be hosting this one, so it will be a bit more relaxing. It's always a good time though!

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