Thursday, July 30, 2015

Early night

Brandon is out tonight, so I put the kids to bed early. Now I'm taking a relaxing bath (with some bubbles, ice cream, and a book) before climbing into bed early myself. 

Sometimes nights alone are just the recharge I need.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

And the weekend is over

It's Sunday night. The weekend is gone and a new week is beginning.

This week was pretty busy. We ended up going to the zoo twice. The first time, we didn't make it in time to feed the giraffes, so I told Amy we would go back soon to feed them. So when Grandma asks us to do something on Friday, I figured it was the perfect opportunity. Amy got her wish, and fed the giraffes.

I also had a doctors appointment this week, which went well. The doctor confirmed the carpel tunnel, and just said that if it gets too bad, to wear a wrist splint. So it seems I've been doing the right thing so far! I'm also gonna start seeing her every two weeks now. The next appointment is when we will do the test for gestational diabetes, so hopefully that goes well. I've never had a problem with it before, so I think it will be fine.

The weekend was fairly busy as well. We went to a party at the Boulder reservoir with several people Brandon works with. Then Melissa and I celebrated our annual made up holiday, national sister-in-law day. We had fondue, saw a movie, and just enjoyed the night. It's always fun to leave the kids and everyone else at home and just hang out.

Today I had a prenatal massage, which is always nice. Then went to a few places around town with the family and a couple friends. A fun time overall :)

I have several pictures to post, but they will have to wait. My phone decided to take a swim today, so I am letting it rest and hopefully dry out. If it still works tomorrow, I will post them then. If it doesn't, I will just be very sad and have lost some really good pictures. Cross your fingers!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Baby update

I had a doctors appointment on Thursday to check the growth of the babies. They are both doing very well and growing like crazy! Each one of them was measuring exactly a week ahead. They both move a lot, but especially the girl, who sits on top. I think she does jazzercise in there. It was great to see them both healthy and growing! Hopefully they stay that way for about 3 more months!

Happy National Ice Cream Day!

Today is apparently national ice cream day, so we decided to celebrate by going to Glacier, where they make unique flavors of homemade ice cream. I got salted caramel Oreo ice cream and it was delicious! I wanted to bring home a pint, but decided I was better off not getting one ;)

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Being silly

All little girls want to be a ninja witch superhero princess, right?

I'm Batman

Hello July

It's hard to believe July is already here. June was quite the busy month and went by quickly. I think July will slow down, but we'll see how it turns out.

We've had a lot going on lately, but not too much to post about. Yesterday was the 4th of July, so we had friends and family over for barbecue. Then last night there was a city fireworks show that I took Amy to. Since it's summer time and the sun goes down later, the show didn't start until late (for her). So she was pretty tired. She loved the first 10-15 minutes of it. Then after 20 minutes, she asked me if the show would end soon. When we got in the car to leave, she was asleep before we even left the parking spot. She really enjoyed it overall though.

As for the babies, we had a brief check last week and they both are still doing well. They will do another growth check ultrasound next week, so I look forward to that one. I can definitely feel them moving a lot in there.
Thanks to my fantastic IPs, I had a prenatal massage last weekend, which was really nice. Carrying these two babies while running after my own two has left some tired muscles, so it was good to relax and have those feel better.

I've also had a lot of swelling this time around. The doctor says it's normal with twins because your body just produces extra fluid. Due to the swelling though, I think I'm getting pregnancy carpal tunnel. I haven't talked to the doctor yet, but after reading a lot about it online, it seems to be the issue my hands have been feeling lately. This, unfortunately, has been one of the reasons I haven't posted much. Sometimes, it's hard to get my hands to do things, and typing is one of those things.  I've been wearing wrist splints at night to hopefully help and when I see my doctor again, I will talk to her about other things that could help.

Also, one of the high risk doctors at the office where I do my ultrasounds told me that due to the babies being donor/donor, it ups my risk for pre-eclampsia. So I got a blood pressure monitor and have been taking that daily just to keep a close eye on things. He also told me some vitamins I could take that might help (definitely won't hurt), so I will be getting those soon. I'm very thankful that I have such a great medical team to monitor me and the babies during this time. It makes me feel a lot better about carrying twins and making sure we all stay healthy.