Monday, January 30, 2017


For a while now, I've been ashamed for America. Our election was a joke. A man came in and did and said all of the wrong things, but somehow still became our president. He is full of hate all around. Everything he does is to lessen the well being of someone else with the guise of helping our country to be "great". These things have led me to be angry, appalled, ashamed, disgusted, and all of the other things you could find in the thesaurus.

Then people started fighting back. He threatens to take away women's rights, women across the world march in protest. He tries to silence the social media accounts of government organizations, they make accounts he can't silence. He bans people from Muslim countries, people protest at airports and lawyers work around the clock to lift it. Organizations that help refugees have gotten massive amounts of donations. People took to social media to start movements urging people to resist. I'm touched and inspired and so happy to see that there is still massive amounts of love out there.

I'm still also terribly sad for all of the displaced refugees. Families being torn apart, children dying or living in fear. I saw a picture of a 4 year old girl with her hands up in surrender because she thought the photographer's camera was a gun. Overwhelming sadness. I've cried tear of both sadness and happiness at all of the things I've seen lately.

Then I read about citizens following our president's example. Hate speech both online and in person has run rampant. Mosques are being burned down. People are being assaulted. More anger. I don't understand how a person can act in this way and not care about the people they are hurting.

When I think about our upcoming move, I'm then relieved that we are going to a country that cares about people, where I don't have to deal with all of this. I'm a little ashamed of that relief because I know that all of my family and friends and so many others will still be fighting this battle here over basic human rights that shouldn't even be an issue.

On a more personal and selfish note, I'm also very overwhelmed at all of the things leading up to our move. Housework, paperwork, living accommodations. There is so much to do that I sometimes feel like I'm drowning in it and can't function. I know I need to take it one step at a time, but it's all still looming.

I do realize that this was very ramble-y, but there is so much going on in my head that I had to get some of it out. That's what blogs are for, right?

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