Friday, January 20, 2017

So it's been a while...

As you may have noticed, I neglected this blog last year. It wasn't that I forgot about it, it was more that there was a lot going on that I wasn't ready to talk about for one reason or another. I tend to be a fairly private person, so I don't always like making a lot of my life public, hence why I'm not a good poster. I also don't particularly like to let negativity show, so when something bad happens, its not something I care to share.
I try to change that though, because I like keeping these sort of records to go back and look at, and also because it helps people to keep up with us who I may not talk to as much as I would like, whether it be good or bad. Life is full of ups and downs, and while I tend to not talk about things, I also don't want to lie about them.

Now we have some big news and I finally feel like I want to share. In a few months, when we get everything taken care of here, we will be moving to Tampere, Finland. There is a game company there who Brandon is very excited to work for. It has been, and will continue to be, a long process, but we are very excited at the opportunity. We visited Helsinki last year about moving there and we loved it. The city was beautiful, the people were friendly, and the food was delicious. That opportunity did not work out, but now that we are presented with this one, we feel like maybe it was for the best. The kids are mostly excited about the move. Amy is upset that she has to go on an airplane again, but other than that, she is happy. Cole is thrilled. He asks us all the time if we can go to Finland. It's going to be an adventure and I will try to take you all along ;)

Speaking of the kids, they are doing very well. Amy is in first grade now and getting smarter every day. The things they learn in school so young amaze me. She loves school and is reading very well, she even reads her chapter books to us now. Cole is in preschool and he really enjoys that. The things that he was not willing to learn from us, he is learning in school, like colors and letters. I always had the hardest time trying to teach him things, he somehow refused to learn from me, but his teacher is really great.

I started working last year. I work in an office of a small company. It's very laid back and easy going, I really enjoy it. Everyone I work with is great, though I rarely see people. I'm by myself in the office most of the day, which is a nice break after being surrounded by children constantly for the past 7 years ;)

Brandon is also doing very well. He is really excited and optimistic about this new job. He visited the company and loved the office, the people, and the city so much that he didn't want to leave. He can't wait to go back there and work with them. He sees so much potential there and wants be be a part of it.

Another thing I talked a lot about previously was my surrogacy journey, which a lot of people still ask me about. I haven't talked to the family recently, but I like to think they are doing well and that they are happy. I do know that they moved and they were very busy with the twins. I still think about them often, but I understand that they needed to move on with their life. I'll always know that they are out there somewhere and be proud of that.

Life can be full of adventures, so here's to our next big one! Cheers!

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