Friday, May 10, 2013

It's Friday!

Only 33 weeks and I already feel like a beached whale sometimes. My biggest issue lately is a lack of energy. Some days are normal and I feel fine. Other days (like today), I feel totally drained and even coffee can't do anything for me. Now that the weather is finally getting nice, I'm too exhausted to enjoy it.

Amy's been a trooper though. She just accepts when I am tired and plays by herself for the most part. She's getting more independent that way, and it's been very helpful.
Lately, she's been going through the "it's mine" phase. I'm actually surprised it took this long. She even saw a girl on tv putting money into a piggy bank, and said "No, it's my coins" throughout the entire commercial. Her favorite though is to see my cup of coffee, reach for it, and say it's hers. Maybe she thinks that one day she will convince me. Good luck, kid.

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