Monday, May 20, 2013

My how time flies

Wednesday is Amy's last day of school for the year. It's hard to believe that the school year is already over. I feel like she just started a few weeks ago.  It's been wonderful for her, and I know she will miss it over the summer, but she'll be happy to go back next year. She'll still be in the same preschool program, but she'll have a different teacher. We all really liked her teacher, so we're sad that Amy won't be in her class again, but I'm sure the new teacher will be great also.

Another way time flies, baby is due in just over 5 weeks. At the beginning, time seemed to drag on. Then it got really fast, and now I feel like his arrival is coming at us so fast. Yesterday, we had a baby shower, and receiving baby gifts made it feel that much more real and imminent. As if the constant movement hasn't made him feel real enough. I think my insides may be bruised and broken. And he still has 5 weeks of growing. But my goodness does this boy move a lot. I can already tell he's gonna be a handful. Now if only we could figure out what to name him. Amy now thinks we should name him Amy. That's been the consistent choice for a couple weeks now. I think it might get confusing though.

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