Wednesday, June 5, 2013

37 Weeks

So I am now technically full term, and could go into labor at any time. Though I imagine this baby will want to cook for a few more weeks before making his appearance.

We're almost ready for him, with stuff that is. We only have a few more things left to buy and we'll be getting those soon. Thanks to our awesome families for everything you've done!!

Knowing I was in labor last time was easy. My water broke and the doctor told me to go to the hospital. Contractions didn't even start for an hour or two, and were pretty small at first. This time I keep having thoughts about false labor and fear of me not knowing what's going on. Or having unbearable contractions (I have a pretty low pain tolerance), but my doctor telling me not to go in yet. I don't know. There are so many variables, I just wish there was a solid path for the way it all happens.

Next week, we have our hospital tour/pre-registration. So it will be nice to get at least a little perspective of how things will go once we get there. I don't know how different it will be having a baby here versus Canada, but at least I'll get to experience both sides.

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