Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Movies and snacks in bed

Amy's been a little not-herself lately. Grumpy, tired, etc. She's been several public, crowded places over the past week, so I'm assuming she just caught something and isn't feeling well. Sick or not, she's wanted to spend most of the day today in bed. So after a much needed nap, which is rare for her these days, I decided to set up our portable dvd player in her room so she can at least have some entertainment. It definitely improved her mood a bit.

We're having a lazy summer day. I'm definitely not complaining about it. This would normally be a multiple-cups-of-coffee kind of day for me, but since that's frowned upon, I must refrain. So Amy having no energy or desire to play actively today helps me out as well. I just wish she felt better.

On a separate topic, I went to the doctor yesterday. All is well with baby, but the doctor doesn't think he'll be making an appearance soon. Should be here in less than 3 weeks. If all goes according to plan, we should see him by the 29th. Which is kind of crazy. It's more real than ever now.

We're still undecided on his name, which is why I keep saying baby. Amy still thinks we should name him Amy. Brandon and I toss names around occasionally, but nothing sticks. We have differing opinions on good boy names. If anyone has any suggestions, they are welcome!!
I'm still hoping for the something-pops-into-our-head-when-we-see-him-and-it's-perfect scenario. Could I be that lucky?

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