Thursday, June 27, 2013

Status Update

It's been almost a week and we're slowly adjusting. One of the things you can't really prepare for is the lack of sleep that a newborn brings. Cole is no exception. The first several nights were exhausting and Brandon and I both felt like we were getting sick from it, so we came up with a new plan. We would take shifts. I sleep the first half the night while he takes care of Cole and then we switch. We figure that a few hours of uninterrupted sleep is better than the same amount of time spread out through the night. This is our first night trying it, so we'll see how it goes. It's 4am and I feel good so far. Much better than any other time I've seen 4am on the clock this week.

Cole is doing well. He's very healthy and doing all the things a baby should do, which is eat, sleep and poop. And he definitely has each one of those down.

Amy's adjustment is a little slower than we had hoped, but probably should have expected. She is getting more used to him being here every day, and we are trying our best to show her the same attention she received before. She even held him for about 5 seconds yesterday. Progress!

1 comment:

  1. She held him?! How exciting!!!! I'm glad to hear she's slowly getting used to him.
