Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Day 3

Today is day 3 of project keep these babies in! And by that, I mean day 3 of me relaxing :)

It's Cole's 3rd day in daycare. It's been a somewhat mixed bag, but with mostly good for him. I know he loves it there, his teacher says he has a lot of fun, and when we are at home, he says "more daycare!" But he has a hard time with drop off in the morning. Brandon has been taking him, and he says that Cole is super happy to get out of the car and run into the building, but then when he gets to the classroom and realizes Brandon isn't staying, he cries. I know this is super normal and he's just not used to us leaving him, and he will learn that we are coming back. But I am sure it's hard to see him crying like that when you have to go. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning, so I'll be dropping him off and seeing first hand how it goes. I also know that this will fade. He loves being there, and he will get used to being dropped off in the morning.

Amy starts school on Friday, so we've been doing a few things to prepare for that, including her assessment today. Tomorrow we find out what class she will be in, then she has her first day on Friday! She is very excited, though a little nervous. She was in preschool for 3 years, so she knows preschool. Kindergarten is a whole new world for her. She's gonna tackle it like a champ though.

As for me, I have been enjoying my downtime. I've already noticed that my swelling has gone down significantly, my Braxton-Hicks contractions have lessened, and I just feel better overall. Hopefully at my appointment tomorrow, the results will physically show as well. We will see!

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