Thursday, August 13, 2015

Things are a-changing

Fair warning, this may get more intimately detailed than you want to read.

I am 27 weeks along and I went to the doctor today for a cervical check. It's thinning out faster than they would like it to, which could both lead to early labor as well as make it easier for any type of infection to get past and into my uterus with the babies. We definitely don't want either of those things to happen. The doctor said if he were to order me on bed rest, it would be in a hospital. I really don't want it to get that far. He also said that for best results, he recommends I stay off my feet and lay down as much as possible. The weight of two babies can just be too much for a cervix to handle, so by laying down, I'd be using gravity to give my cervix a break. Well with two kids at home, it's not easy to lay down often. So my Intended Parents are being incredibly generous and want me to hire help. Amy starts school next week, so she is taken care of. After a lot of thinking, I have been looking into daycare centers for Cole. My friend Rachel has offered to help out with the cooking and cleaning. And I worry that if I bring someone to the house, I won't actually rest as much as I should. I know myself. If I hear him crying or anything, I will get up to make sure he is okay or to see if I can do anything to help the person watching him. I'm kind of a sucker like that ;)
Also, daycare centers are much less expensive than hiring a person. And since the IP's are already being so kind, I want to save them money when I can. So it really works out all around this way. I contacted a few places today and will hopefully have him enrolled soon.

The doctor also started me on a steroid injection to help the babies' lungs mature faster, just in case anything happens and it gets more serious. I got one injection today and will be going back for a second one tomorrow. Our goal is to keep them in until at least 34 weeks, so hopefully we can manage that. I really do feel that I have the best care around. So if it's possible, I know my team of doctors will get us there.

So now I am looking for book recommendations! I already have a lot to watch on Netflix, as well as my laptop. So I need some books to read as well. Rachel has also offered to make library trips for me, and I have my Kindle to download stuff. So send me your list of favorite books!

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