Saturday, August 15, 2015

Quick update

So after a lot of research and visiting places, we found a daycare to enroll Cole in. I've worked it out with everyone involved and he will be starting Monday! I just have to finish up some paperwork. I think he's gonna have so much fun there, playing with other kids his age and all of the activities they do. He'll love it.
Then Amy will start school a few days later, and I will be resting from here on out. Gotta keep these babies comfy so they stay in a little longer :)

Now it's almost 10:00pm and I am exhausted. The steroid shots I was given kept me up super late the past two nights, so the sleepiness is catching up to me. I'm off to bed! I also got a new pillow that I am hopeful will be more comfy, and I'm anxious to try it out :)

Goodnight all!

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