Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Another day, still pregnant!

We got some pretty good news at the doctors appointment yesterday! Both babies are growing at great rates. The baby boy is now 4 pounds and the baby girl is 4 1/2! 4 pounds is what a singleton would be at this stage of pregnancy, so the fact that both of them are at least that is great! My cervix also actually closed up and is measuring longer than it was at last week's appointment. I didn't know that could happen. At best, I was hoping there would be no change at the appointment yesterday and things didn't get worse, I never expected they could get better! So I was quite happy leaving the office, and I know my IPs were as well. I'm now only 4 days away from making it to 32 weeks, which I definitely think we can do. The next goal is to make it to 33 weeks because that's when my IPs are planning on travelling here. If need be, they will come sooner, but let's just hope the babies wait for them. And then the ultimate goal is 34 weeks. Only 2 1/2 weeks away. I think we can do it!

It's strange the things that I miss doing recently. What used to feel like chores before are things I look forward to being able to do myself again. Like picking up Amy from school, cooking meals, or even cleaning the house. I think it just became so routine, that it's hard to let it go. I won't lie or anything, laying in bed watching Netflix or reading isn't exactly a tough life, haha, but I think the rest is just what I know and what I'm used to that it feels strange not doing it. I just find myself looking forward to doing all of those things again.

I've (barely) started working on Amy's Halloween costume. She wants to be a waffle. Crazy kid. Since waffle costumes aren't really sold in stores, I'm making it out of foam. Won't be the best looking costume, but I think she'll love it anyway. As for Cole, we're not sure what he will be yet. Thankfully, since he's only two, he won't be too picky.

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