Wednesday, September 2, 2015


I started writing a post last week, but then I didn't finish it, so I saved without publishing, and forgot to go back to it. Trying again.

So here is where we are at...

The babies are coming soon. We don't know exactly how soon, but most likely sooner than we were hoping. I'm currently 30 weeks and doctor isn't sure I'll make it to 32 weeks, much less 34 (the goal). I guess my body is getting impatient and performing some of it's duties ahead of schedule. All I can do is try to stay off my feet and hope for the best. As always, more time in utero is always better, but the doctor isn't worried about the health of the babies. They may spend some time in the NICU to make sure their lungs and other organs work properly, but they shouldn't have any foreseeable issues. And the steroids I got a couple weeks ago should help with their development.

I'm still really hoping and praying for 34 weeks. I know it's unlikely, but it's not impossible. Maybe we can defy the odds!

One thing about making it to 34 weeks, is that would fall right around Amy's birthday. So I would most likely be in the hospital when she turns 6. This makes planning a party a bit difficult. This year, I'm leaning toward just telling Brandon to take her on a special "Amy" day, where she gets to go anywhere she wants and just have fun with Daddy. We could even have cake and presents at the hospital if we needed to. She's not a picky kid and would enjoy a birthday of doing anything fun. So even if I were to miss part of it, it's worth it to give these babies more time to grow stronger.

Amy is still really enjoying Kindergarten. She came home yesterday excitedly telling me about the music class she went to and singing songs she learned. It's so great that she loves school so much. I know that will change as she gets older, but I think it's a good foundation to start with.

Cole is still loving daycare as well. He's so excited to go everyday, and he doesn't even cry anymore when Brandon drops him off. His teacher says he has a lot of fun and participates in activities. I think it's been really good for him. The house is so quiet during the day now, but it's a welcome break :)

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