Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve

Spending new years eve at home relaxing with some of my favorite people. So now it's time for the obligatory end of year post.
2011 was a great year for the most part. Brandon got a new job and we moved to Colorado. Then Melissa and Joseph came here as well. We made some great friends. Brandon's job is going very well. Now that we're closer, people get to visit us more, which is awesome. Melissa and Joseph got married. Amy gets more fun every day. Things seem to really be looking up. There were some hiccups along the way, but we won't talk about those on here.
I can only imagine all of the things 2012 has in store for us! I definitely see a bright future!

Happy New Year everyone!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Can we put Christmas on hold?

I'm not at all ready for Christmas this year. It's in 4 days and I'm so behind.
I decided to try and make presents again this year. I thought a lot about particular people and what I thought they would like, and then I went to ordering supplies and getting to work.

Then, I got sick. This alone put a damper on everything I need to get done. But it all went downhill from there. One of my gift recipients ended up buying what I was going to get him online. I can't blame him, he had no idea I was planning on getting it. Another set of supplies seems to have gotten lost in the mail. Another gift that I have been working hours on, I am suddenly not so sure the recipient will like it at all. It's one of those funny-type gifts, and now I am thinking it won't be funny at all and will just be dumb. So I have little motivation to finish it. There is also a project that is taking longer to finish than I thought it would. A few more I haven't even started. And we are house/dog sitting starting tomorrow, so I have a very limited amount of time to do this since I can't take all of my stuff over there. I also really need to clean the apartment. It's taken a backseat to Christmas gifts and sickness, so it really needs it.

I'm still not totally healthy, so its taking me about twice as long to do anything as it normally would. I just want to be better already!

After tonight, I am just gonna accept that some people will not get their gifts on time and they're gonna have to be okay with that. Brandon's mom is coming this weekend, and I just want to enjoy the time while she is here without being stressed. Christmas should be a time to spend with family. It should not be this hard.

Okay, I'm done. I just needed a break from gluing and cutting and all that other fun stuff, as well as a place to vent. Back to your happy holidays.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

2 more days until Vegas!

We leave for Las Vegas on Friday morning and I can't wait. It's gonna be a quick, but really fun weekend. On Friday night, we are eating at Craftsteak, which is Tom Colicchio's restaurant. I am probably more excited for that than I should be. And then Saturday night, we're seeing Le Reve, which I've read is amazing. We're staying at the Bellagio for the weekend. It's so pretty there. This is definitely gonna be a weekend to remember.

In other news, I've started working on Christmas presents. They won't be much, but I've been trying to put some thought into them. Hopefully they all turn out well. I know Christmas is gonna come quick. It's less than three weeks away now!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's already December?

I can't believe it's December already. Where did the year go?

The rest of the Texas trip was a success. People were visited, others were married, good food was eaten, and baby showers were had (okay, only one), but it all went well. It's always nice to see family and friends that I don't get to see often.
As much fun as it was though, I am happy to be home. Amy definitely missed her daddy and has hardly let him out of her sight since we've been back.

Remember that baby shower I spoke of before? That was for my cousin, Lacey. She is having a little boy, and is being induced today, so I should have a new cousin either today or tomorrow. I'm pretty excited for them, but also sad that I won't be able to see baby Shane for a while.

December looks to be a somewhat busy month, nothing near what November was though. It should be a lot of fun. We're really excited for Amy (Brandon's mom, Amy, not little Amy. I need to find a better way to distinguish those) to come visit for Christmas. And next weekend is DragonVegas! (That's where Brandon's company takes us all to Las Vegas to celebrate the success of their latest game, Dragonvale. Which if you have an iPhone and haven't played, you definitely should. And if you have played, and especially bought things, thank you for the vacation ;) )
Melissa and Joseph are graciously giving up their weekend to watch Amy for us, which we are super thankful for and will have to think of something really nice to do for them in return.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A few pictures

Melissa and Joseph had a photobooth at their wedding, and these are a few of the pictures we took.

Melissa, Allison, Emery and me

Same group, different picture. Props are fun.

Then we got photobombed

Mexican ninja and I'm not really sure


And of course, we had to take a pretty one

Whirlwind week

As I previously posted, last week we came down to Texas to see Melissa and Joseph get married. Well, that all went by so fast that I never got a chance to write about anything. So here it all is (as much as I can remember) in my jumbled thoughts.

We got here Wednesday afternoon, I don't remember if we did anything that day.
Thursday was running errands and then Melissa's bachelorette party! We had a good time there. A few of us went and hung out at Allison's for a while, and then we met up with more people in downtown Austin and went to a few bars. Met some really nice people (the gays love a bride to be!) who were willing to go the extra mile to help with out 'bar crawl bingo'. So then we danced and talked the night away, went and had pancakes and ended up back at Allison's for the night. It was exhausting, but totally worth it.

Friday was more errands, napping (definitely needed), and then the rehearsal dinner. I ended up getting there half an hour late, like the good bridesmaid I was, so I was seated at a table with a few people I didn't know super well. It ended up being a lot of fun and I really enjoyed talking to the people who I knew a little and meeting the ones I hadn't.

Then Saturday was the wedding. It all went by so fast and I didn't sit down much that day. The place was beautiful, it was held at an old Victorian style mansion. The place was supposed to be haunted, but we never got to see anything strange happen. Unless you count Amy's unusually bad mood. Maybe she was possessed! She was super grumpy and not long before the ceremony, started throwing fit after fit. The wedding ended up proceeding without a flower girl because this kid could not be trusted to walk down an aisle in silence. Much less, spend the rest of the ceremony sitting in a chair. Despite this though, the ceremony was beautiful, followed by a wonderful reception.

By now, you may have noticed that I haven't mentioned Brandon in any of this. That is because he was commissioned the make the cake toppers for the wedding cake and decided to wait until the last couple of weeks to start them. That wasn't enough time, so he was working on them up until a few hours before the wedding. He missed several events and even stayed up all night on Friday to finish them. They turned out wonderful and everyone loved them. I have one picture of them that I stole from someone else. Meet lego Joseph and Melissa.

Sunday was breakfast with the Siron family, which was a lot of fun. I enjoyed seeing everyone that I had not seen in years. Brandon was able to make it to that (thanks to the time change), which was nice.

So now I am just recovering from the crazy past week. Hopefully I can get some relaxing and some laundry in here somewhere. But for now, I think I want some breakfast tacos. Adios!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It's a proud state

We're on the road again in Texas, just drove through a tiny town called Post.
We stayed at a Best Western in Lubbock last night and they had waffles shaped like Texas.

Monday, October 31, 2011

The Pursuit of Sleep

In honor of this new blog's name, I figure I should actually write something when Amy gets me up at one of the crazy hours of the night. It's currently 6:42, we woke up at about 6. I know that's not super early for most people, but it is here. Especially when I slept terribly last night.

We leave for Texas tomorrow, so I have a pretty long to-do list today. I just hope I can find the energy to do it all. I should probably be working on stuff right now, but this is more fun :)

I am excited for the trip as a whole, but I am sort of dreading the drive. Two days in a car with a two year old. I have a feeling it's gonna get a little stressful. But then we have a busy week ahead of us once we get there, including Melissa and Joseph's wedding on Saturday. It should be a fun week though! I can't wait to see everyone there!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Snow in October

I've realized that the weather here changes more than it does in Texas. On Monday, it was close to 80, Tuesday was in the 60's, but then Tuesday night came a big snowstorm and yesterday we ended up with probably 6-8 inches of snow on the ground.
It's amazing how snow can transform a city. It doesn't look like the same place anymore. Trees stand out so much more, fields seem bigger and buildings just fade into the background. I always like the first few snowfalls. They're beautiful and different from the weather of the past several months. I also love the way snow sparkles in the sunlight.
It doesn't stay this pretty throughout winter, so it's nice to enjoy it for a little while.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Our little Canadian is still a Texan

Brant came to visit yesterday and brought Amy some Texas Longhorn pajamas. So here she is brushing her teeth in her new pajamas.

She just recently started brushing her teeth. I was afraid it was going to be a hassle, but she actually loves it! I don't think the bubble gum flavored toothpaste hurts.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

New blog home

So, this is my/our new blog. I felt that the old one was a little more baby-centered than I wanted it to be. This one is for everything in life, whether it be Amy, Brandon, me or just something I find interesting. It will now go here.

I hope you enjoy reading and I will try to keep this as interesting as possible.