Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year

2012 brought a lot of ups and downs, as I'm sure it did for everyone. Sometimes it felt like there were mostly downs, but we still made it through. And now we get ready for another year and everything life has in store for us. It will definitely be a memorable one.

Tonight I will be ringing in the new year alone. Brandon made a last minute trip to San Antonio with his mom and won't be back for a few days. We miss him, but I'm sure he is having a good time there. And I need to share :)

So it's 11:23 on New Year's Eve and I am watching Full House in my pajamas. A sign of what's to come? Let's hope not.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Winter is almost here

It's snowed a few times in the area so far. One of those was Saturday and it's actually still on the ground. Though with the high temperatures being in the 50's all week, I suspect it will melt pretty soon. Yesterday was a beautiful winter day. The temperature was in the low 20s, but the sky was clear and it was sunny. So it was cold enough to break out the pea coat and winter boots, but still warm enough to just feel nice and crisp, not too freezing. Amy loves walking in the snow. I'm not sure if it's the feel of it or the way it sounds under her boots, but she just wants to walk all over the place in it.

Unfortunately, with our new house, cold weather brings really cold temperatures to Amy's room. The warranty people told us this would happen, and now we are feeling it. There is something about the way our house faces, where the window is and the way the wind blows that keeps Amy's room several degrees colder than the rest of the house. I try to bundle her up at night, but I don't think it's enough. So today we bought a heater to hang on the wall in her room. It got great reviews being for a child's room, so hopefully it works well. I hate her being so cold in there at night.

On a side note, I woke up this morning thinking it was Saturday and was then very disappointed when I realized it was only Tuesday. I am ready for this week to be over.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Halloween and more

I know this wasn't Amy's first Halloween, but it was the first one that she participated in. We got her a bunny costume, which was really adorable, but since she hates cameras now, we didn't get any good pictures. Brant and I took her trick or treating around the neighborhood while Brandon stayed home to hand out candy. Amy loved it. There was another group of kids out, so she copied them at the first house. They were all older kids though, so they were much quicker and got ahead of us. But after the first house or two, she completely caught on and had a blast. I had to tell her to say trick or treat at each door, but she attempted it. We went around about one block before she got tired and wanted to come back home, but she had a lot of fun out there. I can't wait to do it again next year.

As for her speech, she still isn't talking on a 3 year old level, but she is definitely getting better. It seems like she just finally decided she wants to talk, so she's made a lot of progress. I love hearing say words and describe things. After not saying anything for so long, I'm so proud that she finally is. Her last speech therapist was great and her new preschool seems to be helping a lot. I think hearing the other kids talk is bringing out the desire even more.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sick Day

One thing that comes from Amy being around 15 other kids 3 times a week is germs. Monday, she brought home some fun ones. She got a little sick. Nothing too bad, she didn't act any different, just wasn't sleeping as well and had a runny nose. Well, it only lasted about about a day and a half, so it was nothing. But then later that day, those germs paid me a visit. I started getting the runny nose, along with a few other symptoms.

We're supposed to have friends over for dinner tonight, so rather than cleaning (which is what I should be doing), I've decided to take a sick day and try to get as well as I can by tonight. I hate cancelling plans and would like to avoid that at all costs. So we're watching The Lion King while I drink some hot tea and browse Pinterest. Wish me luck!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Line up!

Now that Amy started preschool and has to learn how to line up, she even makes her animals at home line up.

Baking cookies

Edit: I tried posting this about a week and a half ago, and just now saw that it didn't post. So here it is, rather late, but since I took the time to type it, might as well post it late, rather than never.

Since Amy turns 3 on Saturday, today was her last day of speech therapy. She's been doing so well with Lori (her therapist), so I am sad to see her go. But at the same time, I am happy for her to start preschool. I think she will do really well in it.

Because it was the last day, Lori brought over some cookie dough, frosting and sprinkles so we could make cookies. Amy really enjoyed the frosting the cookies and putting sprinkles, but she won't eat the frosted ones. Crazy kid, they're delicious :)

First snow of the season

It's still early October, but snow has already fallen here in Colorado. It was only a small amount, but it was snow nonetheless. I expect much more over the next several months, so here's to the new season!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Amy's first day was yesterday. I guess it went well because the teacher didn't say anything to me. So I'm going with the 'no report is a good report' thought.
I tried taking pictures in the morning before we left, but she wasn't having it. She doesn't really do pictures anymore. So this is the best one I could get.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Almost 3 years

Amy went to the doctor today for her 3 year old checkup. She is now only in the 80th percentile for her height and weight. Guess she's decided to slow down a bit. Or other toddlers are starting to catch up. Doctor said she is healthy otherwise though. And since she is making progress in her talking, he's not concerned about her having any disabilities or anything.

We finished registering her for school today. She'll be starting at Alpine Elementary on Monday. I get to meet her teacher on Friday.
As for her birthday, we're not really doing anything. I figure this will be the last year we can get away with that. We'll probably take her somewhere she enjoys, like the rec center to go swimming or to Monkey Bizness to play, and then give her a cupcake with a few candles that night. We're not having a big celebration though. We don't know many kids who could make it to a kid themed party, and she wouldn't care to have a bunch of adults around talking. So there doesn't seem like much of a point this year. Next year maybe we'll do something big. She will be getting some fun new toys though!

Bowling for solo cups

Amy has a new favorite game. Bowling for solo cups. I set 'em up, she knocks 'em down. Everyone's a winner!

By the way, I am trying to think of fun new activities or game ideas that we can do at home. Playing with her toys is no longer as interesting as it was before. So if you have any ideas you want to throw my way, I would greatly appreciate it!

Thursday, September 20, 2012


I registered Amy for preschool today! She starts October 1st and will be going 3 days a week for a few hours a day. I am really excited for her because I think she will love it. She'll get to be around kids her age a lot more, and learn and play with all kinds of new stuff.

Now I get to go buy her school supplies and maybe even a little backpack.

Also, I can't believe Amy is gonna be 3 next weekend. She is turning into a real person, and not just a baby anymore. I love watching her learn and grow. The things she does make me laugh so much, even if she did try to assassinate me. I can't wait to see what else the future holds for us!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What have I done

We went to breakfast and for some reason, Amy really wanted my coffee. I gave her a spoonful and she just about went crazy for it. So we got her a tiny cup of decaf. And then when the spoon wasn't giving it to her fast enough, she needed a straw.

This can't be good

Monday, September 17, 2012

Bad blogger

And I know it. I have the best intentions though.

My trip to Texas was busy, crazy and fun all at the same time. But I didn't have a spare moment to type out a blog. I was helping with wedding stuff from the moment I got to Pleasanton. It was a lot of fun though and I am really glad I got to be a part of the experience. Lacey and Bryan's wedding was beautiful and everyone seemed to enjoy it. I've never seen the two of them happier.

Coming back from Texas was also a small adventure. Melissa, Amy and I drove a Budget truck full of Brandon's and Melissa's old stuff back to Colorado. And this is Brandon's mom Amy, not little Amy. I really need to find a better way to distinguish them.
The trip took us two days and was pretty fun. We stayed at a nice hotel in Amarillo, had some pretty good local fare in different places and just enjoyed each other's company.

When we got back, Grandma Amy (is that a good way?), stayed for a few days. We did a lot of fun things around Denver during her stay as well as saw Melissa and Joseph more than we normally would in a week, which was nice.

This past weekend was Brant's birthday, so we went to Dave and Busters where little Amy proceeded to press a button and win 200 tickets. Way to go kid! It was a fun night and we left the place with a giant dodgeball and some other fun, small goodies.

Now I am trying to catch up on rest and sanity from the busy weeks I had, and sadly, my house shows it. Cleaning day!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


We went to Amy's evaluation this morning, and I don't really know how it went. They sent me home with a lot of questionnaires to fill out, and once they score them, Amy might have to go to another evaluation. I'm not really sure how I do or should feel about that. I mean, I know her speech is behind, but what else do they think is wrong with her that I need to do all of this?
I don't know, I guess I just have to do it and see what happens.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tomorrow is the big day

Amy has her evaluation for preschool tomorrow, and I really hope it goes well. If she qualifies, she probably start in October, right after she turns three. She is currently in speech therapy, which has been great, she's made a lot of progress, but I think it will be even better if she can go to preschool. I won't find out if she does qualify until late September though. Our next appointment is a month after this one. So it's going to be tough waiting that long.

On Saturday, I will be flying to Texas to go to my cousin, Lacey's, wedding. I'm super excited for it! Her fiance, Bryan, is a really great guy and they are perfect for each other. And next Wednesday is her bachelorette party. I decided that I didn't want to do the typical kind, so I made a whole day and night out of it and we are gonna do several different fun things. I can't mention them here in case by chance she reads this, because its all gonna be a surprise to her. But I will do my best to post pictures afterward  :)

This trip, I will be travelling alone. Amy is staying home with Brandon. I almost don't remember what it's like to fly without a young child. I'm looking forward to it :)
As much as I will miss Brandon and Amy, a vacation will be nice

Thursday, August 9, 2012

One person dance party

Listening to music, dancing around my kitchen and baking, all in pajamas. Yep. Brandon must be working late tonight.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Fitness and other happenings in life

So I have made several attempts at getting in shape, but they've all slowly stopped for one reason or another. Hopefully this time is different. I decided to post it on here in hopes that I can feel more accountable. (Does that actually work?)
I've been trying to eat heathier foods for a couple weeks now and joined a gym just over a week ago. It has childcare, so I don't have to worry about waking up to go super early before Brandon has to leave for work or anything, which helps a lot. Several of my past attempts at getting in shape meant I had to wake up really early and either go running or go to the 'gym' at our old apartment. Those failed because for one reason or another, I didn't want to wake up that early. Now, I can start our day out normally and go when I want to. Amy gets to play in a room with a bunch of toys and other kids, so she enjoys it a lot. It's an all around win!
So I've gone almost every day so far and I'm actually starting to feel the effects of it. Not the soreness, that came pretty quickly, though not near as bad as I thought it would be. I feel better about myself. I know I don't look any different, but the number on the scale went down a little bit and I just feel good. The first couple of days were really difficult, but it's already getting easier and I can actually push myself to do more challenging workouts. I also feel like I am bursting with energy today. I always thought that was a myth before because my 3x a week workouts for 3 weeks never changed the way I felt, but it has now, even in a shorter period of time. I think the fact that I have been going more and pushing myself more have helped.
I just hope I can keep this up. I don't know if I will continue to go everyday in the future, but I like doing so now, so we will see. I also hope to get Brandon to go with me sometimes!
Oh, and another cool thing is that this gym has two locations in San Antonio that I can also use, so it will be nice to continue to exercise when I go down there in a few weeks!

Speaking of Texas, I am so excited for that trip. It's for my cousin Lacey's wedding. I am her matron of honor and couldn't be more thrilled to stand up there with her. Seeing all of my family for a happier occasion than the last one will be really nice too. And, this trip, I am going all alone. Amy and Brandon are staying home, so its like a vacation :)  I will miss them a lot of course and would love if they could both come with me, but they can't. So Brandon is staying home with Amy all week, which I think both of them will really enjoy. And I get a childfree week. I am really looking forward to a plane ride without a 2 year old next to me. It's gonna be so relaxing :)

And at the end of this trip, Brandon's mom Amy is gonna come visit us! We're really happy about that too. There has been so much going on with her, she needs a vacation, so hopefully we can make this one good! And now that we have a second car, we can go do fun things during the day.

So the next month has a lot in store for us, and I think it will be great!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I never knew having a real yard was such a luxary

Since we had our house built, it didn't come with a landscaped yard, only some dirt behind the house with weeds in it. It wasn't even supposed to come with this retaining wall, but we made the builders add it in because our yard was such a steep hill that it was pretty much unusable. The wall isn't very pretty, but it does the job.

Before picture:


 And after!:

Such a transformation!

So now we have a completely landscaped back yard that I think looks really nice (at least compared to the dirt we had back there before.) And now Amy has a place to play. The only tough thing is that we can't use it for two weeks because we have to let the grass root on its own without us stomping all over it. I'm counting down the days!
I'll probably take more pictures in the distant future when the trees and bushes all start growing in (2 trees and 6 bushes total)

Btw, isn't it perfect for a slip n' slide! I can't wait until next summer :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Where to begin

So much has happened since my last post. So here will be a brief explanation.
We bought a house and moved in at the beginning of May. We've been working on fixing it up, including putting up a fence, landscaping, furniture, etc. All that's still not done, but hopefully it will be soon.
Then a few weeks into June, I got a message saying that my aunt, who has been fighting stage 4 cancer for 3 years wasn't doing well and probably wouldn't make it through the day. So Amy and I hopped on a plane to Texas and made it to the hospital just in time to say goodbye. It was a very sad occasion because she was a great woman and will be missed dearly. But she was ready to go and she's no longer in pain. Even though it wasn't under good circumstances, it was nice to see my family again and everyone down in Texas. I'll be there again next month for my cousin Lacey's wedding. That will be a much happier occasion. I'm really excited for that one!
Brandon and I have been thinking about buying a second car for a while now. We live farther from his work than we used to, so me taking him to work if I need to do things is no longer an option. Brandon found a 2002 Prius online yesterday for a good price, so we went to test drive it today and ended up getting it! It's a nice car and will save a lot on gas with how much Brandon drives now. Also, I now have a vehicle to do what I need to do during the week! I think it was a good thing for us.
And last but not least, Brandon got a promotion last week! He is now a lead artist at Backflip studios. Which means he is in charge of the project he is put on. The game he's has been working so hard on lately is nearing completion and will be out soon, so if that does well, he will stay on that project to keep making updates and new content. We're really excited about this new opportunity for him.

Amy is doing well. Talking a little bit more than before, but not as much as she should be, so she has started seeing a speech therapist again. Hopefully the desire to talk more will come to her. Also, the company that she is working with only treats children up to 3 years old. So she will be evaluated soon for preschool in the school district and may start that in a few months, which I think would be really great for her! Is it wrong to hope that she is behind enough to qualify? ;)
As of yesterday, we switched her to a toddler bed. We started with nap time, which she fought me on for about 45 minutes before falling asleep, and then took her normal 3 hour nap. Then last night, she got into bed right away with no fussing and stayed there until she fell asleep and slept all night! When I put her down for her nap today, she didn't fuss at all. I am really hoping it continues this way! I could definitely go for an easy transition :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The makings of our house

Our realtor sent me this the other day. She knew I was gonna be out of town for a while, so she assured me that she would check on the process from time to time. Assuming all goes well, this is the foundation of our new house! It's so exciting. I can't wait to actually close on it and move in!


In 3 1/2 days, Brandon is leaving California to fly down and see me in San Antonio. We're so happy that one, he is able to take the time off work, and two, that my dad is bringing him down here! It will be so nice to see him after all of this time away. Even after he leaves, I will still have a few weeks down here before I head back home, but his visit makes it more bearable. Can't wait until he gets here Friday!
Oh, and he is bringing the new Fun. cd I preordered with him :) I am pretty excited to hear it.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Your shoes

I actually got these yesterday. It's hard to tell in the picture, but they are sort of knit with a flowery design. They're very comfortable too. I love them so far.

Where you work

One of the reasons I came to Texas right now is to do some training to work for my dad. He has his own business and isn't very good with the paperwork aspect of it (or the organizational part, as you can see.)

So this is my current workspace, and when I get home, I'll be using my computer for it.

A fave photo of you

This was taken on Christmas day last year. We went for a walk and played in the snow. It was a great day.

(sorry for the bad quality. The picture was stored on my computer and I can't seem to transfer it to my phone without using the Internet. So I just took a picture of it.)


I've gotten behind a few days, so I wrote down the things I need to catch up on. Then I figured it was a good enough example of handwriting. My handwriting isn't very consistent, even from line to line, as you can tell below. But I kinda like it anyway.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Something you hate to do

Dishes. I don't really strongly hate them, but I'm definitely not a fan.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012


This is a time I wish I saw less often. Maybe even never. Yea, I'd be okay with never.

Something New

Amy loves her toy stroller at home, so I had to get one here too.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Because I am posting all of these from my phone (no wifi at my dad's), I can't take a picture of it, but here is a screenshot of my home screen.


My heart, or at least half of it. Doing what she does best, something she is not supposed to do.
Being 1,000 miles away from Brandon wasn't the ideal way I would have liked to spend my Valentine's Day, but at least I wasn't totally alone.


My bed for the next few weeks.

Inside your closet

My makeshift closet. I mean, it is a closet, but I am only occupying about 10% of it. The rest belongs to my brothers or anyone else who has stayed in my dad's guest room and left things here.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Makes You Happy

Lots of things make me happy, so here is a picture that combines some of them. Family, friends and fun. And of course silliness. Silliness always make me happy :)

Self portrait

Because I'm not good at taking pictures of myself, here is me making a funny face.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Front door

It's funny that today's picture is 'front door' because today just happens to be the last day I will see this front door. Goodbye apartment 173. You were fun while it lasted.


It's a cloudy day, but the sun still peaks through every now and then.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Adventures in baking tonight! We're having a few people over for a sort of dinner party, and it's breakfast themed! So I am attempting to make a few things that I've never made before. To represent, here is the button on my hand mixer. Wish me luck!


I forgot to take a picture of dinner last night, so here is a picture of the box!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


This is a good representation of our morning. Amy hasn't been feeling well, so she's watching Toy Story. And see all of those boxes in the background? I'm packing up our stuff to get ready to move. What a Sunday morning.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


It turns out, I did a couple of these out of order. Guess I forgot this one. So to make up for a day I missed a few days ago, here are some words that sum up our life lately.

Friday, February 3, 2012

A stranger

Since we are hanging out and relaxing at Amanda's house during the snow storm, these are the only strangers I am seeing today.

Watching Ellen.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012