Monday, November 9, 2015

6 weeks, time to get moving!

Today marks 6 weeks since I had the twins. They are doing great and the family went back home this weekend. I will miss them, but I know I'll see them again one day. This whole thing has been such a great experience. I loved what I was able to do and I loved being a part of their lives. I look forward to seeing those babies grow into the wonderful people I know their parents will raise them to be.

As for me, I've been recovering pretty well. Emotionally, I feel great. So many people have asked me if I'm sad  or if I'm having a hard time with everything, and I really haven't been at all. I'm not at all sad to not have brought the babies home with me. I knew all along that I was doing this for someone else, and even when the hormones kicked in, all of the emotion was for them. I never got attached to the babies in the same way a woman does in a typical pregnancy because it wasn't a typical pregnancy. None of the feelings are the same. Every doctors appointment, every kick, every contraction, you think of the other family. You know it's for them and that's where the happiness goes. It was a great experience that I know I'll always cherish and be proud of.

Physically, my body is taking a bit longer. I know there were two babies in there and I need to be patient, but it's difficult. I can't quite fit into my old clothes yet, so that's my first goal. I joined a gym today, so that I can start working toward that goal. Little by little, I think I can get there!

Amy's first concert!

Last week, we took Amy to a concert. It was MC Lars, who I am a big fan of, and Koo Koo Kanga Roo, who Amy is a big fan of. We just got lucky that they happened to be touring together. She had a great time dancing and singing along, but was completely exhausted by the end of the night.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Drawing class

Amy started a drawing class this week and they are focusing on how to draw minions. This is from her first day.


Here are he kids before we went trick or treating. They were too excited to leave, so this was the best picture I could get.

They had a lot of fun though. Cole tired out quickly, but still really enjoyed the time he was out. Amy kept going for a while. Gotta get that candy! ;)

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Just some pictures

Amy and Oliver at Amy's hospital room birthday party.

Pumpkin patch

Amy's first school field trip. Walking to the grocery store.

She said this was her face. The usual two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. And what's that up top? Oh, that's her brain. 

Trip to the park. Amy ran ahead and Cole ran behind her yelling for her.

More fun at the park. Anyone else think Cole's new haircut makes him look like Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber? ;)

Me and the surro-twins!

Monday, October 26, 2015

It's been too long

So I know it's been a while. I posted about how things were about to happen, and then nothing. Well, it's because everything happened and life has been a bit overwhelming trying to get things back to normal.

First of all, the babies are here! Haha. It's now been 4 weeks, so I'd hope they made it by now ;)
Everything went incredibly well during delivery. Labor was 3 hours, and delivery was very quick. Both babies were out within 10 minutes of getting into the room. They are doing very well and I believe have been discharged and are "home" with Mom and Dad. They will be in town for a couple more weeks to finish paperwork, and then they all head back to their real home. I've been able to visit them a few times, and it's been great. I'm definitely going to miss the family when they travel back home, but I hope to go visit them some day :)

I left the hospital the following day and was able to spend Amy's birthday with her. Brandon and I took her to all of the places she wanted to go. After school, we got ice cream, then went to a place called JumpCity, which is basically a room full of trampolines, and then McDonald's for dinner. She had a lot of fun and was happy I was back home.

Cole stayed in daycare a few more weeks and is now back home with me full time. He doesn't seem to be missing daycare too much. I plan on trying to keep us busy, so hopefully that will help.

October in general has been quite the busy month for us. I did finish Amy's Halloween costume. She will be the cutest waffle in town, and she can't wait to wear it. Cole seemed to have a fear of putting on costumes. When we attempted to try any of them on him, he cried and refused. So we ended up getting him a Yoda costume, because it's basically just a robe and a headpiece. So we told him to put on his jacket and hat, and he was okay with those things. So we'll see how Halloween goes!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Amy's birthday party

Amy's birthday is Tuesday, and since it's unlikely I will be home, or in any condition to celebrate, we had a party here in my hospital room today. Melissa, Grandma Amy, and my mom all pitched in with decorations, food, and cake. Amy seemed to have a good time. She loves being around people, eating cake, and getting presents, so I don't think the location mattered much to her. 

34 weeks

We made it! 34 was the goal, and even with my 20% chance, we still did it. Now I'm starting to wonder how far we could have gotten if it weren't for preeclampsia. Either way, we're all happy we made it this far. Induction starts in the morning and hopefully all goes well and smooth. By this time tomorrow, I might no longer be pregnant, and my intended parents might no longer be intended, but just parents!
I'm so excited for them, and I know they are unimaginably excited as well. Everything we've been working for is coming together. Tomorrow. It's an incredible feeling :)

Friday, September 25, 2015

Hospital life

Being in the hospital for a while has a few downsides. Not seeing Brandon and the kids near as much. Lacking the comforts of home. Lots of being hooked up to various monitors.

It also has some up sides too. 
Time to catch up on reading or movies.

You learn what foods to order.

And sometimes you even get to play Mario Kart with your awesome nurses.

I do miss being at home. But this isn't so bad :)

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Freedom is fleeting

I was free. And then they decided to put me back in the hospital. This time I officially do have preeclampsia. Thankfully, it's mild, so we're not in any danger at the moment. The doctors decided that the babies will be healthy enough at 34 weeks though, that they don't want to risk anything with the preeclampsia, so I will be induced on Monday. I'm excited that we have a date in sight now, it's not just open ended. And I know their parents are very excited to meet them. So I think it will be good. IPs have been here for almost a week now, and it's been so great getting to spend time with them and getting to know them better. I couldn't imagine helping a nicer or more deserving couple have their family, so I'm very excited that we are almost there.

With Amy's birthday being next week, Melissa and Grandma Amy were planning a party for her at our house. I haven't wanted to plan one because I knew I might not be home. Thankfully, they stepped up and offered to take care of it for me. Now that I am in the hospital, they have decided to move the party here. I kind of feel bad for Amy that her birthday party will be held in a hospital room, but I'm also glad I will be able to be there for it. And I can try to make it up for her after I am home and recovered. So we're having a birthday party on Sunday in my hospital room!

I can't believe Amy is turning 6 already. My how time flies. She is definitely the best 5/almost 6 year old I know. She's so sweet, respectful (mostly), loving, fun, adorable, intelligent, and so many other things. I love that kid and could go on and on about her. Maybe I'm feeling extra sentimental since I am here and can't see all of my family at home as much as usual. Or maybe I just have kids who are that awesome. Either way... ;)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

I'm free

I was released from the hospital today! My tests came back normal and I do not have preeclampsia. Yay! I do have pregnancy induced hypertension, but that's not as big of a deal. Now I'm just on bed rest at home. Cross your fingers that it stays this way and nothing else happens!

I'd like these babies to stay in another week and a half, but their parents arrive Friday night, so I'll accept anything after that :)
I just want to make sure their mom and dad will be able to be present for their birth. And so far, so good! Keep holding strong little ones!! 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Words from a hospital bed

Yesterday afternoon, I called the doctor for a small spike in my blood pressure. I assumed I would just get advice, but with one test leading to another, I ended up getting admitted into the hospital for possible mild pre-eclampsia. They are doing another test today to get more information, and I should find out the results tomorrow.

The babies are still doing very well. Each time they try to put the monitors on them though, they start moving like crazy and the nurses have a hard time finding and keeping them in the right spot. I think these might be some stubborn little ones :)

I keep posting updates as I know more. For now, it's wait and see.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

32 Weeks!

The first of our goals has been hit! We've made it to 32 weeks. Hopefully we can get through two more.

At my last doctors appointment, I was measuring at about 43 weeks (for an average singleton pregnancy), so as you can imagine, I just feel very pregnant right now. The resting has been helping with that though. I can't physically do a whole lot anymore, so most of my time is spent laying in bed. 

I'm very excited for next weekend though! It's my mother in laws birthday, so we have family coming over to our house (which is awesome, because it's hard for me to leave, haha), and I'm excited to see them. And the my IPs will be arriving in town, so I get to finally meet them in person! It will be a great weekend.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Another day, still pregnant!

We got some pretty good news at the doctors appointment yesterday! Both babies are growing at great rates. The baby boy is now 4 pounds and the baby girl is 4 1/2! 4 pounds is what a singleton would be at this stage of pregnancy, so the fact that both of them are at least that is great! My cervix also actually closed up and is measuring longer than it was at last week's appointment. I didn't know that could happen. At best, I was hoping there would be no change at the appointment yesterday and things didn't get worse, I never expected they could get better! So I was quite happy leaving the office, and I know my IPs were as well. I'm now only 4 days away from making it to 32 weeks, which I definitely think we can do. The next goal is to make it to 33 weeks because that's when my IPs are planning on travelling here. If need be, they will come sooner, but let's just hope the babies wait for them. And then the ultimate goal is 34 weeks. Only 2 1/2 weeks away. I think we can do it!

It's strange the things that I miss doing recently. What used to feel like chores before are things I look forward to being able to do myself again. Like picking up Amy from school, cooking meals, or even cleaning the house. I think it just became so routine, that it's hard to let it go. I won't lie or anything, laying in bed watching Netflix or reading isn't exactly a tough life, haha, but I think the rest is just what I know and what I'm used to that it feels strange not doing it. I just find myself looking forward to doing all of those things again.

I've (barely) started working on Amy's Halloween costume. She wants to be a waffle. Crazy kid. Since waffle costumes aren't really sold in stores, I'm making it out of foam. Won't be the best looking costume, but I think she'll love it anyway. As for Cole, we're not sure what he will be yet. Thankfully, since he's only two, he won't be too picky.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


I started writing a post last week, but then I didn't finish it, so I saved without publishing, and forgot to go back to it. Trying again.

So here is where we are at...

The babies are coming soon. We don't know exactly how soon, but most likely sooner than we were hoping. I'm currently 30 weeks and doctor isn't sure I'll make it to 32 weeks, much less 34 (the goal). I guess my body is getting impatient and performing some of it's duties ahead of schedule. All I can do is try to stay off my feet and hope for the best. As always, more time in utero is always better, but the doctor isn't worried about the health of the babies. They may spend some time in the NICU to make sure their lungs and other organs work properly, but they shouldn't have any foreseeable issues. And the steroids I got a couple weeks ago should help with their development.

I'm still really hoping and praying for 34 weeks. I know it's unlikely, but it's not impossible. Maybe we can defy the odds!

One thing about making it to 34 weeks, is that would fall right around Amy's birthday. So I would most likely be in the hospital when she turns 6. This makes planning a party a bit difficult. This year, I'm leaning toward just telling Brandon to take her on a special "Amy" day, where she gets to go anywhere she wants and just have fun with Daddy. We could even have cake and presents at the hospital if we needed to. She's not a picky kid and would enjoy a birthday of doing anything fun. So even if I were to miss part of it, it's worth it to give these babies more time to grow stronger.

Amy is still really enjoying Kindergarten. She came home yesterday excitedly telling me about the music class she went to and singing songs she learned. It's so great that she loves school so much. I know that will change as she gets older, but I think it's a good foundation to start with.

Cole is still loving daycare as well. He's so excited to go everyday, and he doesn't even cry anymore when Brandon drops him off. His teacher says he has a lot of fun and participates in activities. I think it's been really good for him. The house is so quiet during the day now, but it's a welcome break :)

Friday, August 21, 2015

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Day 3

Today is day 3 of project keep these babies in! And by that, I mean day 3 of me relaxing :)

It's Cole's 3rd day in daycare. It's been a somewhat mixed bag, but with mostly good for him. I know he loves it there, his teacher says he has a lot of fun, and when we are at home, he says "more daycare!" But he has a hard time with drop off in the morning. Brandon has been taking him, and he says that Cole is super happy to get out of the car and run into the building, but then when he gets to the classroom and realizes Brandon isn't staying, he cries. I know this is super normal and he's just not used to us leaving him, and he will learn that we are coming back. But I am sure it's hard to see him crying like that when you have to go. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning, so I'll be dropping him off and seeing first hand how it goes. I also know that this will fade. He loves being there, and he will get used to being dropped off in the morning.

Amy starts school on Friday, so we've been doing a few things to prepare for that, including her assessment today. Tomorrow we find out what class she will be in, then she has her first day on Friday! She is very excited, though a little nervous. She was in preschool for 3 years, so she knows preschool. Kindergarten is a whole new world for her. She's gonna tackle it like a champ though.

As for me, I have been enjoying my downtime. I've already noticed that my swelling has gone down significantly, my Braxton-Hicks contractions have lessened, and I just feel better overall. Hopefully at my appointment tomorrow, the results will physically show as well. We will see!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Quick update

So after a lot of research and visiting places, we found a daycare to enroll Cole in. I've worked it out with everyone involved and he will be starting Monday! I just have to finish up some paperwork. I think he's gonna have so much fun there, playing with other kids his age and all of the activities they do. He'll love it.
Then Amy will start school a few days later, and I will be resting from here on out. Gotta keep these babies comfy so they stay in a little longer :)

Now it's almost 10:00pm and I am exhausted. The steroid shots I was given kept me up super late the past two nights, so the sleepiness is catching up to me. I'm off to bed! I also got a new pillow that I am hopeful will be more comfy, and I'm anxious to try it out :)

Goodnight all!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Things are a-changing

Fair warning, this may get more intimately detailed than you want to read.

I am 27 weeks along and I went to the doctor today for a cervical check. It's thinning out faster than they would like it to, which could both lead to early labor as well as make it easier for any type of infection to get past and into my uterus with the babies. We definitely don't want either of those things to happen. The doctor said if he were to order me on bed rest, it would be in a hospital. I really don't want it to get that far. He also said that for best results, he recommends I stay off my feet and lay down as much as possible. The weight of two babies can just be too much for a cervix to handle, so by laying down, I'd be using gravity to give my cervix a break. Well with two kids at home, it's not easy to lay down often. So my Intended Parents are being incredibly generous and want me to hire help. Amy starts school next week, so she is taken care of. After a lot of thinking, I have been looking into daycare centers for Cole. My friend Rachel has offered to help out with the cooking and cleaning. And I worry that if I bring someone to the house, I won't actually rest as much as I should. I know myself. If I hear him crying or anything, I will get up to make sure he is okay or to see if I can do anything to help the person watching him. I'm kind of a sucker like that ;)
Also, daycare centers are much less expensive than hiring a person. And since the IP's are already being so kind, I want to save them money when I can. So it really works out all around this way. I contacted a few places today and will hopefully have him enrolled soon.

The doctor also started me on a steroid injection to help the babies' lungs mature faster, just in case anything happens and it gets more serious. I got one injection today and will be going back for a second one tomorrow. Our goal is to keep them in until at least 34 weeks, so hopefully we can manage that. I really do feel that I have the best care around. So if it's possible, I know my team of doctors will get us there.

So now I am looking for book recommendations! I already have a lot to watch on Netflix, as well as my laptop. So I need some books to read as well. Rachel has also offered to make library trips for me, and I have my Kindle to download stuff. So send me your list of favorite books!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Farmer's Market

We went to the farmer's market today and got all kinds of goodies! I could have gotten way more, but we limited ourselves to $60. I still think it's quite a bit of stuff for $60 though!! Veggies, fresh bread, peaches, pear jam, and some sweets too.

Also, the box in the back is white chocolate pistachio toffee, and is probably the best toffee I've ever had. I may need to have Brandon hide the box from me ;)

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Early night

Brandon is out tonight, so I put the kids to bed early. Now I'm taking a relaxing bath (with some bubbles, ice cream, and a book) before climbing into bed early myself. 

Sometimes nights alone are just the recharge I need.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

And the weekend is over

It's Sunday night. The weekend is gone and a new week is beginning.

This week was pretty busy. We ended up going to the zoo twice. The first time, we didn't make it in time to feed the giraffes, so I told Amy we would go back soon to feed them. So when Grandma asks us to do something on Friday, I figured it was the perfect opportunity. Amy got her wish, and fed the giraffes.

I also had a doctors appointment this week, which went well. The doctor confirmed the carpel tunnel, and just said that if it gets too bad, to wear a wrist splint. So it seems I've been doing the right thing so far! I'm also gonna start seeing her every two weeks now. The next appointment is when we will do the test for gestational diabetes, so hopefully that goes well. I've never had a problem with it before, so I think it will be fine.

The weekend was fairly busy as well. We went to a party at the Boulder reservoir with several people Brandon works with. Then Melissa and I celebrated our annual made up holiday, national sister-in-law day. We had fondue, saw a movie, and just enjoyed the night. It's always fun to leave the kids and everyone else at home and just hang out.

Today I had a prenatal massage, which is always nice. Then went to a few places around town with the family and a couple friends. A fun time overall :)

I have several pictures to post, but they will have to wait. My phone decided to take a swim today, so I am letting it rest and hopefully dry out. If it still works tomorrow, I will post them then. If it doesn't, I will just be very sad and have lost some really good pictures. Cross your fingers!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Baby update

I had a doctors appointment on Thursday to check the growth of the babies. They are both doing very well and growing like crazy! Each one of them was measuring exactly a week ahead. They both move a lot, but especially the girl, who sits on top. I think she does jazzercise in there. It was great to see them both healthy and growing! Hopefully they stay that way for about 3 more months!

Happy National Ice Cream Day!

Today is apparently national ice cream day, so we decided to celebrate by going to Glacier, where they make unique flavors of homemade ice cream. I got salted caramel Oreo ice cream and it was delicious! I wanted to bring home a pint, but decided I was better off not getting one ;)