Thursday, June 11, 2015

Another day in the water

Today's plans were to go to Eldorado Canyon State Park and swim in their spring fed pool with Melissa, Joseph, and their new baby, Oliver. Mother Nature decided to change those plans. It was raining pretty heavily at that pool, so we decided to head to a local recreation center with an indoor pool. I love the rec centers here because they all have indoor heated pools with a normal pool area, a child's area with water slide, and a lazy river with an even bigger water slide.

We had a great time there. Both kids seemed to really enjoy themselves, and even Oliver was happy in the water for a while, before he just seemed to need a snack and a nap. But really, who couldn't use a snack and a nap, right? ;)

Again, I'm bad and didn't get any pictures. I thought it would be a bad idea to take my phone into a water area. Joseph had their waterproof camera though, and he got some good ones. So maybe I can steal a few of their pictures and post them on a later date.

Then we all went to Ihop and had some delicious food. It's been nice to see those guys as much as we have since Oliver was born. Normally, life just tends to get in the way, as it does. Everyone works and weekends fill up fast. So we've been taking advantage of their time off.

Now the kids are in bed, and Brandon is out for the night, so I get to sit down and take a much needed break. Over the past two weeks, Cole seems to have entered the "terrible twos". Perfect timing since he turns two next Saturday. So he's been a bit difficult to handle, but I just have to take it on a day to day basis. Actually, I think it's more like an hour to hour basis. That kid is exhausting, I feel like I can barely keep up anymore. Amy never really entered that "terrible twos" phase, so I was hoping we would get lucky and Cole would skip it also, haha. I should have known better. He's such a different kid than Amy.

Well now it's time to use this quiet to my advantage. Get a few things done, maybe take a bath and watch some more Rent, then probably go to bed. These kids will be up early and we have a busy day!

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