Thursday, June 18, 2015

Ultrasound day!

I'm now 19 weeks, 4 days along in the pregnancy. Today we had our 20 week ultrasound to check how these little guys are doing in there. Everything went great! Both babies had good heart rates, they both had all parts functioning as they should, and are even measuring ahead of schedule. Baby Boy is measuring at 20 weeks, Baby Girl is measuring at 20 weeks and 1 day. I know it's not much ahead, but sometimes twin growth can be an issue, so I am happy to see they are currently growing at a good rate. I hope they keep it up!

The best part about the ultrasound though, was that we were able to video chat with the IPs! So while they were unable to be there in person, they were still able to see their babies actively moving around, and their hearts beating. Thankfully, Melissa was there to keep me company and to also be my videographer, holding the phone up and telling the IPs everything they were looking at. It was incredible.
I know the process of having children has been a difficult one for my IPs, and I can't wait for them to meet their babies in a few short months. So many of us take for granted how easily it is to start and have our families. Their journey will finally have a happy ending, and I'm so happy to be the one to experience it with them and help them out along the way. I've known people who struggled with infertility and they've told me how heart breaking it is, how much they struggled to achieve what came so easily to us. And now I get to be part of a happy ending for at least one couple out there who has been going through that. It's amazing. And very much worth the days of not feeling so well or of being exhausted. It all comes together to make such a beautiful thing happen.

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