Thursday, June 25, 2015

Sick Baby

Cole woke up around midnight last night burning up with fever and crying a lot. This continued for several hours. I could tell he felt awful. So tired, but too sick to actually sleep. We were up for a while, and then when he did sleep, it was a very short time before he woke up crying again. The Tylenol just wasn't working and I felt really bad for him. We made it through the night, and now today he seems to be a little better, though certainly not well.
I just put him down for his second nap of the day, which hasn't happened in a really long time, so I know he must be tired.

So while he sleeps, I decided to make myself a cup of tea and take a break. Him not sleeping also means I didn't get to sleep. And when I did, it was on the couch near his bedroom so I could get to him quicker. Not the most comfortable place.

Hopefully he gets more rest tonight and feels better tomorrow. If nothing else, Grandma is coming to visit and that always makes him feel better.

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