Friday, June 5, 2015

The Book

So this twin thing is new to me. I've heard of all of the possible complications and it's a little scary. I want to make the healthiest babies possible while also keeping myself healthy at the same time. I heard a lot of good things about this book, When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads: Proven Guidelines for a Healthy Multiple Pregnancy. I'm not very far into it yet, so I can't say much about it. So far, the biggest thing it has focused in is gaining weight. I'm supposed to gain 25 pounds by 20 weeks. I believe I have gained less than 15 at this point, so I gotta work on that. They said to gain the weight with healthy foods, so I mostly just have to eat a lot, which hasn't been super easy. I can't eat a lot at once so I've been trying to have healthy snacks several times throughout the day. The weight I gain now is supposed to better sustain the babies when they start growing more, helping them to gain enough weight to be healthy. According to this book, if the babies aren't gaining enough weight, it triggers something in the body that causes preterm labor. I'd like to avoid both of those things.
Also, I'm supposed to drink 128 ounces of water a day. This has probably been the bigger struggle. I've never been good at drinking the normal recommended about of 64 ounces per day. So it takes a lot of thought and effort. I started infusing it with fruits and berries sometimes, which definitely helps.

So I will continue reading this book in hopes that all of their recommendations lead to two healthy, full term babies!

One of my favorite snacks

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