Monday, June 15, 2015

Weekend Update

The weekend was long and a bit stressful, but we made it through. Amy had a blast camping. She got to do lots of fun activities and spend the entire weekend with just her and Daddy. Here are a few more pictures Brandon sent me from their time.

On the train

Riding pedal cars

As for me and Cole, our weekend was fairly successful.
On day 1, we spent the entire day in the bathroom reading books, playing with toys and FaceTiming with family. It was a bit rough, but went well. He used the potty 85% of the time. Though he did get clever about it. I gave him an M&M every time he used it. So he would sit, go potty a little bit, get candy. Then sit right back down, go a little bit more, get candy. He would repeat this 7 or 8 times in a row before he just couldn't get any more out.
Day 2, I couldn't spend another entire day in the bathroom, so I modified it a bit. I put training pants on him, which are like underwear, but have extra fabric in the crotch area so that nothing drips out. Continuing from the day before, any time I would ask him to go, he did. He wouldn't go on his own though. If I went too long without asking him to try, he would pee in the training pants. I'm not surprised though. I think it will just take a little longer to first recognize that he needs to go, and then hold it and walk to the potty. It's a bit more to comprehend. I think we had a good start though, and we'll keep working on it as much as we can.

Overall, a pretty good, albeit exhausting, weekend.

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